IoT & Digital Transformation

The World of Digital Transformation – Sprint 2 (Part 2)

Deepak Goel (Group CEO – iMET Global | Digitally Next) in talks with Stephen Dantas (Founder & CEO – Digityll, US) on “The World of Digital Transformation.” In the 2nd part of Sprint 2, Deepak points out a key challenge today that is of the cultural friction between the millennials and the previous generations in businesses, where all the intelligence comes from the previous generations and the technology & its usage comes from the new generation. Stephen calls Digital transformation to be all about packaging, redesigning the credibility and value built through the legacy of the business and how to take those values and turn it to a competitive advantage. He also insists of merging the existing business with the new technologies and bring it to the customers and how one has to blend all the ingredients in the digital process. Do provide your valuable comments and thoughts.