
Attraction Marketing Through LinkedIn

Attraction Marketing Through LinkedIn

What if you could attract clients and job offers instead of chasing them (and they paid you what you asked for) ? What if clients and jobs chased you, rather than you? “Well, that would be ideal but does that happen in real life”, you might ask me. Yes, it does happen in real life when one understands and practices the art of attraction marketing. Let me share the process of attraction marketing and how it works on LinkedIn.

8 years ago, I had written one of my most popular blogs, “Stop the Job Hunt, Let the job hunt you”. Since then, I have been practicing attraction marketing and now I get my best clients and assignments from attraction marketing on LinkedIn. Students of IIT Madras, BML Munjal University etc have found me through LinkedIn and invited me for talks. My most well paying coaching clients have found me through LinkedIn (and Google).

In fact, attraction marketing has become a popular term globally. Now let me explain you the “7 Steps to Attract Clients and Jobs via LinkedIn”:-

Step 1- Draft a Brand Strategy

Who is your target segment? What brand values do you want to be known for? Who is your ideal client or employer? Ask yourself these questions and write a statement describing your brand positioning, brand values and description of target customers.

Step 2- Let the Headline Catch Attention

Create a headline which is unique, catchy and memorable. Create mystery through your headline, if possible. Does your headline create curiosity in people to read your profile and summary? If yes, you are on the way.

Step 3- Write a Memorable Summary

Write your summary in a life story format. Integrate your achievements and strengths in the profile summary story. Add something which stays back in the reader’s memory for a long time to come.

Step 4- Post the Right Updates

Discuss emerging and future trends in your industry. Share quotable quotes and nuggets of wisdom. Remember we live in an attention-deficit world. So be short and sweet as much as possible. Keep a watch on the results to stay motivated. Track your growth in profile views, update views and no of searches in which your profile was found.


Keep a watch on Your Dashboard.

Monitor who has viewed your profile, no of views on your latest article/ update and how many people found you in searches.

Step 5- Optimise your profile for right keywords

What are the keywords that your employers and clients search for? Are they placed strategically in your profile? Does your profile send a consistent message about your core skills through these keywords? Does your profile reflect your changing tastes and Evolved You? (update your profile at least once in six months)

Step 6- Draw Insights from the Data

Data on Who Found You in Search Results
For which keywords is your profile being found in searches? Who is finding your profile in their searches? What are their designations? Which companies do they work for? Combine the jigsaw pieces to understand whether you are catching the attention of the right people. If not, what corrective actions are needed?

Step 7- Optimise Profile and Updates Based on Insights

Based on the insights drawn in the step above, take the corrective actions such as:-

add better keywords,
use the right hashtags in your posts etc to attract the attention of your target audience.
I am currently conducting a 48 hours personal branding program (training and coaching modes), which is suitable for students of professional courses, working professionals and entrepreneurs. We start the process with your Personal Brand Audit.